Konec tedna bodo vse oči ljubiteljev stand up komedije usmerjene v Festival Panč. Prihaja zimska edicija. V četrtek 28.1. nas najprej čaka predvečerski show. Jazz klub Satchmo Maribor (btw za nepoznavalce Satchmo je bil nadimek Louisa Armostronga - ne to ni "un k je kao bil na luni"). Siti Teater BTC Ljubljana (btw, BTC vsi vemo da je Belmont Tehnical College). Predvečer bo mega. Več na www.festivalstandupkomedije.si. (sem kar ponosen na tole stran, mi je še kr ratala - samovšečnež!).
Potem v petek pa še Narodni dom Maribor in Kino Šiška Ljubljana. Malo mi je žal, ker bom vse tri večere nastopal v Mariboru, kjer bom "host" oz. "MC" (Master of ceremonies) oz. po domače tip, ki povezuje, tako da ne bom okusil slasti nastopanja v Šiški. Ampak mi vsaj ni treba skrbeti, kako bom spravil skupaj pol ure novih kvalitetnih for (buahaha). Komaj čakam, da spoznam Angleže. Barry mi je pisal pred dnevi: "I've heard wonderful things about Slovenia and I'm really looking forward to performing in your country, especially as it will be my first time. I've performed in many countries around the world but the nearest I've got to Slovenia is Kosovo and Bosnia, where I did shows for the British military. I'm hoping the audience speak good English as my Slovenian isn't really up to scratch. If not, I guess I'll just do lots of funny dancing. Or learn to juggle. Or maybe do a funny dance while juggling!"
V glavnem, žur bo do konca, vabljeni vsi.
Be there or be square!
(pojasnilo: "A square being a nerd, geek, dork...un-hip, un-cool, unpopular, not with-it, etc. ...sort of person..."be there or be square" means about the same as "everyone who is anyone will be there", which is to say if you're not there you're nobody")
you bastard...Zaj pa morn it karto kupit...
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